Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Style Inspiration....

I don't know about you guys out there, but every year around this time I start thinking about potential "New Year's Resolutions"...I rather think of them as improvements to my life because "resolution" sound so serious. Whether we want to make "improvements" to our work life, to our current fitness levels or our style, now is when we all start making our lists.

That being said, here are a few images inspiring some of my 2012 beauty improvements...

This hair....I must have it!!!!
My fav blond and smoky eye pro....

Who doesn't love a little glitter? Fun and unexpected holiday makeup....

This has my name all over it!


Couture Carrie said...

Amazing post!
Love that manicure!


Anonymous said...

where is that black open back dress from? what website? loveee it!

Anonymous said...

where is the black dress from ?!

Anonymous said...

Where is that black dress from?!

Anonymous said...

yes, i'm dying to know where the dress is from, someone please let us know! it's adorable and I need it!